In January 1975, Fred Poddig (1947-2023) and a handful of others started WWII re-enacting. On May 31st 1975, the first WWII re-enactment was held at Weldon Springs, MO. For ten dollars, the participants received 100 rounds of ammo, a chicken dinner, soda, beer and a smoke grenade. On October 31st 1975, the LSSAH reenacting unit was officially formed with nine members and Fred Poddig was elected as the unit commander. The motor pool consisted of two Kübels, one Zundapp motorcycle with sidecar and a 1940 Ford Truck.
By 1978, the unit had grown to 30 men and Fred Poddig began producing SS camouflage uniforms to equip the unit. A smock, helmet cover and trousers cost $250.
In 1979, the HRS acquired the first Hetzer and the LSSAH adopted it. Most reenactments were at Ft. Knox, KY or Weldon Springs, MO. The unit also participated in parades and public demonstrations for American Legions and VFW’s.
During the period 1980 to 1985, the unit grew from 50 to 100 men. Smocks and helmet covers were standardized and the motor pool quadrupled. The LSSAH established contact with the US military and hosted events at Ft. Knox, KY, Ft. Campbell, KY, Ft. McCoy, WI, Ft. Story, VA, and assorted Boy Scout Reservations and National Parks. Members of the unit also acquired Russian uniforms as an alternate impression.
Between 1986 and 1990, the unit grew to over 150 members. A Headquarters section was established above the Kompanie level. Many reproduction uniform and equipment manufacturers sprung up to satisfy the growing market.
From 1991 to 2006, the LSSAH had grown to well over 150+ members and the Headquarters has expanded to include a full-time motor pool and Feldgendarmerie platoon.
In 2006, the LSSAH reenacting unit incorporated and began the National WW2 Living History Association Inc. (LHA), a 501(c)(3) public benefit organization and was organized for the purpose of preserving and publicizing the history of World War II and other related services that are within its capabilities and resources to include, but are not limited to, collection of artifacts, living history activities, public education, and historical reenacting.
From 2006 to present the LSSAH reenactment unit and LHA have over 150+ members and continue to attend a large amount of both public and private events including the units training (Grundasbildung) and live fire event. The lists of period vehicle have expanded greatly to include two Sturmgeschutz, several halftracks, kubelwagons, trucks, antitank guns, and numerous krads (motorcycles). The unit remains the predominate German unit in the hobby.
In 2025 the LSSAH is celebrating its 50th anniversary of continuous reenacting .